Shipper | Case study
Commitment to security exceeds pharmaceutical company’s high standards
A pharmaceutical company was left without a carrier, and it needed to find a new carrier that has exceptional cargo security expertise for high-value loads

A lost carrier leaves pharmaceutical company short
When one of its primary carriers closed its doors, a large pharmaceutical company found itself in a less-than-ideal situation: multiple high security loads ready to go but no one to move them. The company knew it needed to quickly find a new carrier that had the cargo security know-how to get the loads safely and securely to their destination.
Security expertise a must for new carrier
Successfully shipping pharmaceuticals requires the tightest security in the industry. Not only is a lost load very damaging from a financial standpoint, but the shipper’s brand and reputation are also on the line with each and every move. The pharmaceutical company was keenly aware that transporting freight can be risky business and had stringent security requirements for its carriers.
The shipper needed a carrier that was invested in tried-and-true security practices like comprehensive surveillance cameras, controlled access and secure trailer parking against concrete barriers. The company also sought a carrier with a focus on innovation in security practices and technology.
Implementing a layered approach to cargo security
Schneider secures freight at every turn. With each truckload of high-value cargo, a process is set in motion that ensures a perfect delivery. In this case, Schneider’s wide geographic reach proved to be a strong asset: one of the carrier’s secure operating centers is located less than two hours away from the shipper’s U.S. headquarters. This allowed Schneider to temporarily stage loads (when needed) before moving the product to its final destination.
Schneider’s secure operating centers all feature remotely controlled gate access. Control of the gates is maintained at a central facility, which adds an extra layer of security and mitigates the possibility of threats or intimidation that on-site security personnel might experience.
For every load, Schneider instituted mandatory three-way calls among the driver, his or her dispatcher and a customer service representative. The purpose of the calls is to discuss the cargo, its value, the route and any other pertinent questions.
This ensures total alignment around the nature of the shipment for everyone involved, mitigating the risk for error.
Schneider also implemented a 250-mile hot zone, which means that once drivers pick up a load, they must drive a minimum of 250 miles before taking a break. This way, thieves that might follow a loaded truck out of the shipper’s yard are less likely to still be in pursuit when the truck makes its first stop.

Lastly, Schneider gave the shipper access to its own web portal for load tracking. The anytime, anywhere access of the portal means that the shipper no longer has to rely on a customer service representative to provide status updates. The shipper has complete and total visibility of the freight throughout the move.
How Schneider established the plan of attack—and trust
At the beginning of the working relationship, Schneider met with the pharmaceutical company’s advisers multiple times to gain insight to the carrier’s specific needs and discuss how Schneider would deliver against them. These frequent meetings helped the shipper and Schneider get in complete sync. As a result, both parties were 100 percent confident in the processes put in place before the first load left the dock.
From Schneider’s security expertise to the technology in place, the shipper has the assurance it needs and the utmost confidence in its new carrier. Schneider’s focus on security innovation brings the peace of mind that the shipper’s high security loads are protected for the long haul.